Monday, February 28, 2011

Week six

1) Here are the two blogs that I reviewed:

2)  The first blog that I had to review did not have a project one so I was unable to post a comment on that blog.  The second blog I thought that all the images shown matched well with what they were labeled as.  Just like as in my posting I found that several of the pictures could be used or labeled with other elements as well.
3)  In the first blog there were no works of art that I had the same as.  In the second blog I chose the same work titled Indefinite Divisibility by Yves Tanguy.  Both myself and Jeff thought that this work was interesting and it made us feel that we wanted to be at the beach.
4)  The first blog itself peeked my interest with every work chosen because they all seemed abstract.  Abstract art is interesting to me because I do not understand it.  I almost need someone to explain what it means before I can understand it.
5)  I feel that reading my peer’s reflection helped out.  This gave me another perspective on what people see.  Sometimes my perspective is completely different and it is valuable to know what others are thinking.
6)  At this time no one has responded to my postings but I am assuming this is because I do my work early in the week because I am usually busy later in the week and cannot log on.  I feel most of the other students do their work at this time.  However when I do have the time to read the comments I am assuming they will be posting I am sure they will be helpful because it will give me another perspective.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First art gallery visit

A)     Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
a.       Hum made by Roberto Longo created in 1953.  This work of art impacted me because it seemed like a bunch of phones lines being connected in a larger scale.  This made me think that technology is growing so fast and almost dwarfing us which is evident in how big it is.
b.      The Holstein Manifesto by Matthew Ritchie created in 2008.  This work just grabbed my attention.   This work was beaten up because it had cuts and holes in it but the video was still playing on it.
c.       The Quiet of Dissolution, Firestorm by Sonja Braas created in 2008.  This work shows a city that is going to be getting engulfed in flames but there are still many lights on in the city as if people didn’t even care what was going on.  This makes me think that people really do not even notice nature and the affect it can have on us.
B)      Which artworks do I feel a Connection with?  Why?
a.       Winter by Emile Pierce Branchard created in 1928.  This work reminds me my uncle’s camp that I often visit.  It is a beautiful picture that seems peaceful and calm that you do not want to disturb.
b.      Carcass of Beef by Chaim Soutine created in 1925.  This work reminds me of the meat that we eat.  I am a hunter and I prepare my own meat and this is a work of art that takes me back to when I am preparing my own food.  This work is not for everyone and can seem gruesome to others.
c.       Thirty Illustrations for Histoire naturelle by Buffon created by Pablo Picasso in 1942.  This work has many pieces that all depict different animals and nature.  Being a hunter and outdoorsman these pictures were a description of many of the things I see when I enjoy myself outside.
C)      Which artworks would I like to know more about?  Why?
a.       Indefinite Divisibility by Ynes Tanguy created in 1942.  This work is an abstract work and for me almost any abstract work of art makes me question what it means because they are hard for me to interpret.
b.      Nomad by James Rosenquist created in 1963.  This work looks like the artist just created it leaving their supplies on the ground.  The paint seems to be dripping as well. 
c.       Composition with Stripes by George LK Morris created in 1945.  This work has a flag in the middle of the painting but it does not show stars and the longer that I looked at the picture the more negative appeal it seemed to have on me. 
Here are the works that I was able to find on the internet.  I did not feel comfortable taking pictures of the works in the gallery.

Sonja Braas, The quiet of dissolution - Firestorm

Week five post

1)  Creating my logo was an interesting task.  I had to think long and hard about what would represent me.  It was a fun experience
2)  To think of what I might have wanted to use in my logo creating I thought about all the things I do, enjoy, and are a big part of my life.  Then I looked for pictures of how I would like to draw mine to help ensure I had adequate drawings.
3)  The most important discovery I made in creating my logo was that to an outsider my logo would look kind of imposing.  If you did not know what I liked to do or where I worked one might be confused to look at my logo.
4)  I learned from the media we watched and read was that logo’s can be quite manipulative.  These videos were very informative and helped me in creating my logo.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week Four posting

Here are my pictures and my answers to the questions.
1)  Creating both works was more difficult than I thought it was going to be.  I had to keep going back on the value scale to darken the black end more and more so that it looked more gradual when it was declining down to white.
2)  I enjoyed using the acrylic paint and creating the color wheel more.  I think was because I was able to mix the colors and create other colors.  Whereas the value scale was just a single pencil being used lighter.
3)  The most important discovery for me is that in the creation of these it is harder to do than one would think.
4)  The most important information in these videos that I found was the true primary colors.  Most people believe they are red, blue, and yellow when in fact they are magenta, cyan, and yellow.  These videos were very informative and helped me create my works after I watched them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Photo slideshow

Creating this slideshow was not too difficult for me.  As I looked around I found items that fit each principle or element.  Also as I was going down the list I kept changing my mind on which photo would be labled under each category.  Several of the pictures seem to me that they apply in several categories.  Also when I finished taking my picutres I kept seeming to find other photograph oportunities that would almost be better than what I had.  However trying to keep myself from working all night long I did not take more and more photograghs.  I enjoyed this project quite a bit.  The slideshow is posted on the blog as well.

Week 3 video questions

1)  Colors and the different pigments that one can find vary enormously.  Different parts of the world can only produce true pigments that one may want to use on the opposite side of the world.  These colors when seen give people feelings inside.  Bold colors are used when expressing strong emotions and mellow colors are used to express less strong emotions.  Each color has its own feeling attached to it and it can vary from person to person.
2)  The theoretical aspect that intrigues me the most is the idea of expressing feelings as a way to be better or have nobility inside us.  This intrigues me because it seems that art would be a thing for oneself and makes me thing why would anyone want to share their work of art.  This theoretical aspect has me thinking even though I do understand it I also have questions.
3)  Different colors or color sets are used to express different emotions.  One such example is that bold colors are used to express strong emotions.
4)  On of the biggest things that I noticed from the feelings video is that by looking at a painting that gives us a sense of evil or hatred can truly affect ones emotions.  When one is surrounded by these dark colors making us feel these horrible emotions one can develop truly negative feelings when they do not wish to think of them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 2 blog on videos

1)  From the Aesthetics video I learned that the idea of aesthetics has developed over time and has had contradicting information from different philosophers.  Aesthetics is also an internal idea that varies from person to person on how intense they feel it.  One of the concepts that I feel that I learned from Changeux is that as we as a human raced developed so did our art in correlation.  From Ramachandran I learned that works of art can have huge reactions on human brains and emotions that one develops from them.
 2)  I feel that Francis Hutchinson’s theory, in the 18th century, on aesthetics is the most important theory that was created.  This is because this is the first time that a person has been able to describe how art is taken in visually and gives a person a sense of happiness internally.  This explains how beauty and harmony can be felt by every person and that it occurs spontaneously as needed by everyone.  This is done by not relying on higher powers such as god as previous theorists such as Anthony Cooper had done.
3)  In the Changeux and Ramachandran video they both present very important speeches.  The most interesting point that I feel Changeux brings up is that where in our brain we visual see things is also where we store emotions so it appears that visual things can easily affect our emotions.  In Ramachandran’s lecture one of the facts I found interesting is that he feels art is created not so much for a direct copy of life but created to please a person’s brain.  Both speakers present very strong points in their speeches.
4)  The videos relate to the class because they discuss the topics in the beginning chapters.  These videos talk about what art is, how it is appreciated, and different kinds of art to name a few things.  All of these subjects are talked about in our book in depth. 
5)  By adding these videos into our lecture we receive multiple points of view on the topics that both our books and the videos cover.  It is beneficial to receive different points of view on topics because if you only rely on one person’s ideas, such as just our text book, then you may be obtaining one persons biased opinions.  Also it helps if to have both the text and the videos because it elaborates on the same topics so if you are having a tough time grasping them then you have a better chance by receiving more education on the topic.  I feel that the videos were well put together and are very beneficial in this topic.