2) The first blog that I had to review did not have a project one so I was unable to post a comment on that blog. The second blog I thought that all the images shown matched well with what they were labeled as. Just like as in my posting I found that several of the pictures could be used or labeled with other elements as well.
3) In the first blog there were no works of art that I had the same as. In the second blog I chose the same work titled Indefinite Divisibility by Yves Tanguy. Both myself and Jeff thought that this work was interesting and it made us feel that we wanted to be at the beach.
4) The first blog itself peeked my interest with every work chosen because they all seemed abstract. Abstract art is interesting to me because I do not understand it. I almost need someone to explain what it means before I can understand it.
5) I feel that reading my peer’s reflection helped out. This gave me another perspective on what people see. Sometimes my perspective is completely different and it is valuable to know what others are thinking.
6) At this time no one has responded to my postings but I am assuming this is because I do my work early in the week because I am usually busy later in the week and cannot log on. I feel most of the other students do their work at this time. However when I do have the time to read the comments I am assuming they will be posting I am sure they will be helpful because it will give me another perspective.