Thursday, April 21, 2011

week 13 video post

1)  I decided to watch the Abstract Expressionism and Pop:  Art of ‘50s and ‘60’s video because I find this time period in the world to be interesting and wanted to learn more.  The second video I chose to watch was the The Power of Art:  Rothko video.  This is because I found the title unique and was wondering what the power of art could be and was hoping to find out.   The next video I watched was Hockney on Photography.  I chose this because photography is very versatile and can be used so many ways.  The final video I watched was Andy Warhol:  Images of an Image.  I chose this video because I find Warhol interesting.
2)  In the Abstract Expresionism and Pop:  Art of the ‘50s and ‘60s video I realized I still have difficulty understanding abstract art.  However listening to the speaker helps me to understand works much better.  One work that sticks out to me is De Koonigs’s work titled “Morning:  The Springs”.  In the The Power of Art:  Rothko video I found it interesting that when commissioned to provide paintings for a restaurant it would be worth $2.5 million today. In the Hockney on Photography video I found the collage to be very good works of art.  In Andy Warhol:  Images of an Image video I enjoyed watching and learning more about the process of silk screening.
3)  All of the videos that I watched were very similar to our readings for this week.  All of these videos elaborated well on the topics discussed in our textbook.  Some provided very good view points on the topics that were not discussed in our readings.
4)  By getting different perspectives we learn a lot more about the subject.  You cannot rely on one source for all of your opinions on topics because your ideas will end up being biased.  Sometimes if you rely on just one source that source may be incorrect and that would make your conclusions incorrect.  That is why having the videos in our week are essential to our learning.

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